Using Google Spreadsheets for Collecting Country Data

Using Google Spreadsheets for Collecting Country Data

Grade Level: 6
Type of Lesson: Two-day lesson in a unit
Type of Schedule: Flexible
Collaboration Continuum: Moderate
Content Area: Social Studies/Geography
Content Topic:  Data collection of country information

Standards for the 21st-Century Learner
Skills Indicator(s):
1.1.1 Follow an inquiry-based process in seeking knowledge, and make real-world connection for using this process in own life.
2.1.4 Use technology other information tools to analyze and organize information
4.1.8 Use social networks and information tools to gather and share information.
2.15 Collaborate with others to exchange ideas, develop new understandings, make decisions, and solve problems.
Disposition Indicator(s):
2.2.4 Demonstrate personal productivity by completing products to express learning.
3.2.3 Demonstrate teamwork by working productively with others
Responsibilities Indicator(s):
1.3.4 Contribute to the exchange of ideas within the learning community.
Self-Assessment Strategies Indicator(s):
1.4.1 Monitor own information-seeking process for effectiveness and progress, and adapt as necessary.
1.4.2 Use interaction with and feedback from teachers and peers to guide own inquiry process.
2.4.3 Recognize new knowledge and understanding.

Scenario: Students are learning about European geography in their history class. They have been memorizing country locations on a map.  This lesson teaches them a little more about an individual country and introduces them to some the terms used when discussing the quality of life in a particular country (Population, System of Government, GDP per capita, Life Expectancy, Literacy Rates, Unemployment, United Nations Human Development Index, Currency, Exchange Rate).  The classroom teacher has assigned the students a country, and the librarian has created a worksheet for data that each student will collect for his or her assigned country.  The librarian has also created a shared Google spreadsheet for each student to enter the collected data.  The librarian and the teacher explain the categories of data that students are collecting.  The students use Culturegrams World Edition and the CIA World Factbook to find information about their countries.

Students research a country to collect data that will be entered into a shared Google spreadsheet.  They then will learn how to sort the data to make comparisons, view trends and draw conclusions.

Final Product:
On Day 1, each student completes a data collection sheet that will be entered into the Google Spreadsheet.   On Day 2, students will complete a worksheet that requires them to sort the data to see Europe as a whole.

Library Lesson:
Students learn to collect data using reliable information sources, enter their findings in a collaborative spreadsheet, and then use the spreadsheet to sort the data.

Estimated Lesson Time: Two 40-45 minutes class periods

Students complete a data collection worksheet, enter the data in a group spreadsheet, and complete a European nation worksheet that analyzes the data. Findings are corroborated and peer-assessed whole group. The classroom teacher collects the completed European nation worksheet from each student and shares the results with the librarian to determine the next steps.

The classroom teacher and librarian monitor student responses and participation as they complete the task. Both teachers provide assistance, feedback and redirects students as needed.

What did I learn about my country in comparison to other nations? How did collaborating with my peers help me learn more about this topic?  How could I use spreadsheets again in my learning?

Instructional Plan
Resources students will use:
Electronic access to Culturegrams, CIA World Factbook, and Google Docs

Resources instructor will use:
Smart board

Direct instruction:
Librarian and teacher will introduce the terminology of the data.  Librarian will show students how to find country data in Culturegrams and the CIA World Factbook.  Librarian will show students how to enter data in a shared Google spreadsheet.  Librarian will show students how to create a copy of the completed shared spreadsheet and then how to sort the data to answer questions.

Modeling and guided practice:
Librarian collects data for one of the European countries and enters it in the spreadsheet with the students.  The students follow the librarian in creating a copy of the final collaborative spreadsheet. The librarian sorts the high and low population numbers with the students.  The librarian asks the students to repeat the steps that they must take to sort data before they do it.  Librarian shows how easy it is to accidentally damage the spreadsheet data and then how going to the revision history allows students to restore to the original version.

Independent practice:
Students to fill out next data sheets, spreadsheet, and final worksheet individually. Students are reminded to carefully check their answers. All work is checked as teacher/librarian moves throughout the room.

Sharing and reflecting:
The librarian and teacher review the answers to see if students can sort data correctly.  Teacher and librarian ask students to notice the differences between Eastern and Western European countries in terms of economics, education, and life expectancy. Students also discuss the value of using a spreadsheet to organize and compare information.

Have you taught this lesson before: Yes

Strategies for differentiation:
Allow students to team and assist one another with technical aspects of the work.

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